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Writer's pictureThe Accurate Auditor Team

What Does An Auditor Do, Anyways...??

Updated: Sep 4, 2020

So you're thinking about re-doing the lights in your warehouse, and you've hired someone to count the existing lights. They promise to come back with a count of your current energy usage, and a proposal for new, state of the art LED fixtures! The proposal is supposed to include an ROI, with all sorts of fancy tables and charts. But all's that you see is a couple of people staring at their iPad, walking slowly throughout your facility. You think to yourself, "Really, I'm paying for these people? I could've done that!"

And that is the beauty of what an Accurate Auditor brings to your project. As trained professionals, we make our job look easy! It's not that we're just slowly ambling around your facility; it's that that we are taking the necessary amount of time to record all of the pertinent information!

While an audit isn't necessarily difficult, they can be tedious and/or boring. So it requires a detail-oriented person to make sure that all data is collected. That includes, but is not limited to, photos of the existing fixtures, dimensions of rooms, fixture heights, and Foot-Candle readings. It's important that we document the exact wattage and base type of each lamp, especially CFL's. We take the time to climb up the ladder and do that. We even do spot-checks to determine what kind of ballasts exist in the current Fluorescent fixtures. This is especially important if the solution for your facility is to be "Type A" lamps.

While it's easy to think of Lighting Auditors as an added "expense", the more "Accurate" way to think of us is as "an investment"! By accurately obtaining the lighting data, Accurate Auditors save the End User and Contractor lots of money. We're similar to those other auditors that you know of; your Accountants. Anyone with a calculator can do what they do, right? Well, maybe. Because accountants also know the tax laws that keep you out of trouble. They know a lot of the nuances, that you don't, that keep you out of tax court.

Lighting auditors are no different. We are aware of all the various nuances of the different fixtures, and we know how to count. We've developed systems that allow us to be efficient and accurate!

Because "Every good lighting project begins with an Accurate Audit...!"

The Accurate Auditor Team...!

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